
În baza deciziei  din 27.04.2022, Senatul Universității de Stat din Moldova, a inițiat concursul pentru suplinirea posturilor de șef de departament la următoarele departamente academice:

  1. Comunicare și Teoria Informării
  2. Drept Internațional și European
  3. Drept Penal
  4. Drept Privat
  5. Drept Public
  6. Filozofie și Antropologie
  7. Istoria Românilor, Istoria Universală și Arheologie
  8. Psihologie
  9. Științe ale Educației
  10. Teoria și Practica Jurnalismului

Dosarele candidaților se vor depune până la data de 11.05.2022, la Departamentul Resurse umane.

Comisia de concurs a USM

Moldova State University (2021) – Knowledge Exchange in the Post-Socialist BSR


Hybrid Conference at Moldova State University

“Knowledge Exchange in the Post-Socialist Black Sea Region: From Closed Systems to Dialogue”

The full program for our sixth and final conference is now is available here

The hybrid conference will take place both offline and online on Sep. 22-23 and if you wish to take part, please get in touch with Prof. Eudochia Saharneanu ( at Moldova State University to get the latest information on how to register.

Call for Papers:

“Knowledge Exchange in the Post-Socialist Black Sea Region: From Closed Systems to Dialogue”

Conference organized by

Moldova State University University, Department of Philosophy and Anthropology


ADDRESS:  Chisinau, Md – 2009, Alexe Mateevici street,60

22 – 23 September 2021

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30.06.2021

Frame & aim

The most significant trend in the development of the academic environment and the exchange of knowledge is overcoming the barriers that limit this exchange. Opportunities for this are laid down both by scientific and technological progress, which led to a sharp increase in the possibilities of communication means, and by the removal of ideological differences. Just as the era of religious wars ended in the 17th century, so the era of ideological wars ended in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. In the post-ideological era, the political ideology as such does not disappear, but it can no longer claim to be a meta-construct into which the logic of historical and even political events can be inscribed. The attempts made in this direction compete with conspiracy theories and political myths. The understanding of the scientific picture of the world is also changing: its creation is influenced by irrational forms of cognition and pluralism in the description of the world becomes the norm. Democratization is also manifested in the actualization of postcolonial studies and the expansion of their problematics: in addition to comprehending the constructions of Orientalism, narrow-mindedness and Balkanism are overcome. Dehierarchization leads to a revision of the role of the state and of the hierarchically structured academic institutions: international teams are created to study problem fields and horizontal links play an important role in their formation: both between individual universities and laboratories, and between individual researchers. A new research structure is being formed, whose members can be recruited from the academic environment, but it also can include researchers who have not made an academic career. This structure is focused on researching topical problem fields with grant support.

The Bologna process and European grant programs allow increasing the level of mobility of researchers, which helps to overcome stereotypes and identify the general and specific aspects in the processes of socio-cultural transformations of our time. Postmodernism led to decanonization, which manifests itself in the increase of the importance of interdisciplinary research, to the use of the methods of one discipline in the research of another discipline. The mean of democratization is the Internet space: it not only provides the possibility of building a configuration of horizontal links, but also helps to include representatives of different informational spaces in it: automatic translation mechanisms erase linguistic boundaries. The role of the Internet space in accelerating the exchange of knowledge is incontestable: like cities that became catalysts for the exchange of information at the dawn of civilizations, Internet spaces play this role in a rapidly virtualizing reality or in an increasingly real virtual reality. The Internet space is gradually absorbing the spheres of social life and revolutionizing the process of producing new knowledge. If the industrial revolution automated material production, now, in the course of the information revolution, automation penetrates into the sphere of intellectual production. The versatility of the Internet space contributes to its participation in another socio-cultural transformation: communication visualization.

There is a transition from the “culture of the text” to the “culture of the image”. Now, not only texts create meanings, but also images that can be visual. As a result, the image became a source in the scientific field, which led to the emergence of visual anthropology. The philosopher S. Zižek tried to express himself using the language of cinema quotes. Also, Internet memes have become a common method of communication in the 21st century. Most often, they use to achieve a comic effect, but the possibilities of their application in communication are not exhausted by this. The methodological basis for the analysis of visual images and memes is semiotic research. This methodology is universal for the study of different sign systems and can be used in the study of the evolution of everyday life. This perspective can also be used to research the academic environment. The widespread use of another methodology – the methodology of oral history – is associated not only with technical capabilities, but also with a new trend in humanitarian research: the interest is shown not in an event, but in the difference of its reflections in mental constructions.

An important socio-cultural factor in the transformation of the academic environment is the impact of globalization. One of the trends in the development of the academic environment is associated with the social aspect: the education system is partly becoming the sphere of providing educational services, which has led to a sharp increase of the number of universities and an increase of the importance of the applied specialties.

The conference will examine the results of the transition to an open society under the influence of such factors as globalization and de-ideologization. It will be considered to what extent the BSR countries, being directly or indirectly in the sphere of influence of geopolitical, economic, ideological world centers, differ in the level of integration into the modern information space and also to what extent this factor, despite gaining independence by many of these countries, affects the process of institutionalization of new forms of cultural and research exchange today. It will also be taken into account the regional specifics of the manifestation of trends in the development of the academic environment in the BSR countries during the reference period.


With this conference, we would like to invite scholars to contribute to a systematic research of this issue from different scholarly disciplines in the humanities interested in themes including (but not limited to):

  • Paradigm shifts in the humanities
  • Postcolonial studies in the Black Sea Region
  • The implications of the integration of the Black Sea Region into the European Research Area (ERA)
  • Sociocultural aspects in the transformation of the academic environment
  • The reorganization and restructuring of universities and academies of science
  • Newly established networks of knowledge exchange in education and academia
  • Brain drain and diaspora – the role of migration in post-socialist BSR education and academia
  • Problems and prospects of the evolution of the academic environment of the Black Sea Region during the post-socialist period
  • New methodologies and new fields of research in the studies of the Black Sea Region
  • „From the culture of texts to the culture of images” – visualization and viscourses in the humanities
  • „Virtual reality” – academic activity in/and the internet

We are currently planning to have the conference as a two-day hybrid event so please indicate whether you’d be interested in joining the in-person day or the online day when submitting your proposal. There is no fee for participation in the conference, but the organizers do unfortunately not have the possibility to cover the participants’ expenses for travel and accommodation. English will serve as the main conference language. Please send 300-word proposals for 20-minute papers along with a short academic CV to Prof. Dr. Eudochia Saharneanu ( no later than 30 June 2021. We will inform you on the follow-up procedure when sending out the letters of acceptance (within three weeks after the deadline).

A selection of papers presented at the conference will be published in a special volume in 2022.

The conference is organized within the project “Knowledge Exchange and Academic Cultures in the Humanities. Europe and the Black Sea Region”, an MSCA-RISE-project funded by the European Commission. Further information may be found on


Prof. Dr. Eudochia Saharneanu

Moldova State University

Department of Anthropology

Address: Chisinau, MD – 2009, Alexe Mateevici street, 60




Ciclul 1 licenţă

0223.1 Filozofie

Specialitatea Filosofie oferă o pregătire umanistică fundamentală. Îmbinînd disciplinile studiilor clasice cu disciplini teoretice ale lumii contemporane, specialitatea Filosofie asigură formarea abilităților comunicaționale, argumentative și interpretative, precum și dezvoltarea competențelor ce țin de buna exercitare a gîndirii analitice și a gîndirii critice, indispensabile pregătirii intelectuale actuale. Concepţia formării specialistului presupune, transmiterea cunoştinţelor şi formarea competenţelor profesionale necesare în activităţi de cercetare, expertiză şi consultanţă, mediere, învăţământ, organizaţii europene, organizaţii internaţionale, instituţii de stat şi organizaţii non-guvernamentale, corporaţii, afaceri, politici publice, comunicare, analiză politică.

0220.1 Antropologie

Specialitatea Antropologie, în conformitate cu specificul său interdisciplinar, propune o pregătire plurivalentă, atît în plan teoretic, prin obținerea cunoștințelor din cele mai variate domenii ale experienței umane sau a procedeilor metodologice de studiere şi interpretare a formelor de viață și cultură umană, cît și în plan aplicativ, prin realizarea cercetărilor de teren, a studiilor de caz sau a a ceea ce ține de managementul proiectelor sociale și culturale. Concepţia formării specialistului presupune, transmiterea cunoştinţelor şi formarea competenţelor profesionale necesare în activităţi de cercetare, expertiză şi consultanţă culturii şi politicilor culturalr, medierea conflictelor(interetnice, interconfesionale,interculturale).

Ciclul 2 master

Filosofie, antropologie și management cultural

Impactul fenomenelor sociale şi culturale mondiale astăzi este sesizat şi analizat din perspectiva tuturor disciplinelor social-umane. Mondializarea şi alte procese sociale de amploare, direct sau indirect, furnizează  domeniului științelor sociale în special filosofie și antropologie un şir întreg de opţiuni de investigare şi evaluare, dar şi specializare. Ținând cont de aceste elemente favorizante programul de masterat Filosofie, antropologie, și management cultural îşi propune să formeze competenţele necesare unui specialist printr-un program de studiu a cărui misiune este: pregătirea de analişti, cadre pentru diverse poziţii în instituţii şi organizaţii al căror obiect de activitate este legat de expertiza, analiza, evaluarea şi găsirea de soluţii la variate probleme, situaţii din domeniile specifice de profesionalizare. În acelaşi timp astăzi există o cerinţă impetuoasă a reconversiei profesionale, realizată în condiţiile în care indivizii sunt deja încadraţi în câmpul muncii, dar le lipseşte specializarea necesară pentru a putea funcţiona eficient. În aceste condiţii, masteratul, Filosofie, antropologie și management cultural va servi nevoilor de schimbare a profesiilor, în conformitate cu cerinţele Uniunii Europene, indivizii având posibilitatea să îşi perfecţioneze abilităţile căpătate în alte domenii.

Filosofii contemporane

Programul de masterat Filosofii Contemporane. Nevoia de filosofie practică este determinată de schimbările care au loc în societatea contemporană. Înţelegerea propriilor trăiri, percepţia schimbărilor sociale şi formarea unei concepţii adecvate despre lume sunt astăzi elemente centrale ale unei vieţi de succes. Programul de studii Filosofii contemporane îşi propune să dezvolte competenţe necesare cercetării avansate în filosofie și domeniile teoretice conexe, precum și competențe legate de aplicabilitatea practică a resurselor teoretice însușite în diverse domenii de activitate umană.

Certificat de evaluare externa

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